1. Abstract

The system in the project is designed to work as a module that the outer system can use to transform user’s voice to a URL that it can use to retrieve the corresponding information that the user is interested in. In this webpage, we introduced our motivation of doing this project and our design of the system. We have implemented the modules in the design and have a runnable version. We did an evaluation on the accuracy of the system and also listed the possible future work. For the details of implementation, evaluation and future work, please see our full project report.

2. Introduction & Motivation

With the exponentially growth of the natural language processing technology, more and more softwares provide voice command recognizer as an import interacted method with the user. Besides by touching and pressing keyboard, user can interact with the software by simply telling the software what they want to do. The main advantage is that it facilitates the communication between human and software, especially when user can not use their hands to operate the software. The main goal of implementing voice command control is to get efficient way for humans to communicate with computers.

ITPA (Informed Traveler Program and Applications), which we are currently working on, is a project that would provide personalized, timely information and advice regarding the most efficient and cost effective travel paths for consumers, specifically for the university area around FIU.

The ITPA will provide a smartphone-based interface for users to acquire, request and manipulate the information needed. Apart from the common interactions between the user and APP via physically touching the screen, it is very helpful to allow users to interact with the APP by voice.

The project implemented the traffic information voice command recognizer (will be referred to as TCVR in the following context) for the ITPA APP. Briefly, TCVR takes the users voice as input, recognize the words in the sentence, and extract the semantic meaning of the command, which will allow the APP to send the corresponding request to the backend. TCVR should be able to recognize the common requests of users, including but not limited to getting parking information, getting direction to certain location and sending public transit request.

In some scenarios, commanding by voice is the most ‘natural’ and intuitive way, which can let users interact with computer with the minimum or even without learning. For example, using voice-controlled personal computers for dictation is an important application for physically disabled or layers; another application is environmental control, such as turning on the light, controlling the TV etc. In some other cases, freeing hands from devices can let people concentrate more on the task instead of controlling. For example, when people are driving and using cellphone to search for point of interest, it is safer and easier to let user speak instead of typing. Hence, apart from the common interactions between the user and APP via physically touching the screen, it is very helpful to allow users to interact with the APP by voice. For example, the user can speak to the APP to get the parking information of the nearest parking garage in campus, or the user can speak to the APP to send a transit request. Allowing interacting with the APP by voice can prevent the users from typing on the phone while driving and thus improve the overall safety of traffic on campus, especially FIU is one of the most populated university in America.

3. Architecture

TCVR Architecture

The above figure shows the architecture of ITPA traffic command voice recognizer. There are 5 modules in the system:

The input of this system is voice, and output is the corresponding URL. ITPA can call the URL to retrieve and display the requested transit information.

Voice recognizing tool transform the input voice to text format. In this module a grammar file is needed to define the questions’ type. This grammar file is generated from a survey. Different person may have different way to express the same meaning. So we used a survey to collect how people asked questions. This module is based on CMU Sphinx speech recognition package.

Refining filter module is used to refine the text generated from voice recognizing tool. Bus route, bus stops, garage name and abbreviation will be replaced by a unified format. The refined text file will improve the accuracy of classifier.

Command type classifier leverages support vector machine (SVM). There are 12 types of questions, such as parking occupancy information, user position and bus location. The classifier will predict the question type for each refined text based on the trained SVM model. The model is trained using the questions from the Grammar file.

Dependency parser provides the grammatical structure of sentences, for instance, which words are subject or object of a verb. After the question type is determined, the next step is extracting the parameters. For example, user may request the bus location from FIU main campus to engineer center.Dependency parser will extract the engineer center and FIU main campus and the ”from-to” relationship between them.

The last module is called URL generator. Each question type has a corresponding URL, and each URL may have some parameters. The question type is calculated from command type classifier and the parameters is extracted from the dependency parser. In this module is trying to map the question type to a URL and give the parameters.

4. Implementation, Evaluation and Future work

For the details of implementation, evaluation and future work, please see our full project report, in which we introduced our design and implementation details for each module.

Also, please don't hesitate to checkout our GitHub repository where we have published all our code and documentation.

5. Conclusion


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